The Best Time to Study

Day vs Night

One of the biggest questions among students is being concerned about which time is better for studying – day or night. Some of them claim that during a daytime you have more energy, others say that nighttime gives you precious silence and tranquility. If you haven’t chosen yet whether you are a morning person or not, this article is for you.

Advantages of Studying During Daytime

Advantage # 1 You’re more energetic. Really, after sleeping for at least 7 hours, your body has more energy and you are more productive. You’ll be able to cope with more tasks.

Advantage # 2 You can ask for help. What if you can’t cope with some of the tasks? Or you suddenly need an advice from your friend? Most of the people are active during daytime and you can easily call or meet them, which is quite difficult during the night.

Advantage # 3 You can study together with your friends. There is a small probability that many students would agree to study together at night.

Advantage # 4 During daytime you don’t really need to use indoor lightning, as we have the Sun. Besides, research shows that sunlight is better for our eyesight than lamps.

Advantage # 5 With younger students, there’s a tendency to go out at night and have fun with friends, which is not possible if you’re studying at that time.

Advantages of Studying at Night

Advantage # 1 Night can raise your level of creativity and it’s going to be easier for you to think outside the box and find new solutions to different tasks.

Advantage # 2 Some of the libraries are opened at night as well, so you’re lucky if you live somewhere close to one. You’ll see that it’s almost empty at night.

Advantage # 3 At night, you don’t need to worry that someone will call you and ask you out. You can totally concentrate on your studies.

Advantage # 4 At night, you’re more likely to study in peace, as during daytime, there will be a lot of people, who can easily distract you. And if you live on the first floor, the sound of cars or people talking can distract you as well.

Advice for Night-Owls

If you’re working during nighttime, it’s very important to make a stable plan and stick to it. If you’re studying at night, it doesn’t mean you don’t need to sleep at all so don’t neglect a good sleep during a daytime for at least 6-7 hours. Also, as mentioned before, your level of creativity is raising at night as well, so if you need to be more creative, you can try turning on your favorite music. As well, you shouldn’t forget about breaks. Take a break for 5-10 minutes after every 50 minutes of work or for 20-30 minutes after 1,5 hours of work.

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