The Example of Writing a Book Review

Student Reading Book

Many of us are in love with the literature. It is some kind of a hobby that makes us forget about the everyday problems and dive into the magic imaginary world. Students all over the world attend literature classes. One of the task there is to make a book review or report. Honestly speaking it is not difficult, but for someone that can be a serious challenge.

Here we present the example of the book review for the university students. It will help you to understand the structure, the main parts, the words to use and much other useful information. We`ve chosen the book by Celia Rivenbark «We`re Just Like You, Only Prettier». If you are interested in literature, take a look at

Book Review

Title: “We`re Just Like You, Only Prettier

Author: Celia Rivenbark

Actually, for many readers all over the world, her name is unfamiliar. You can imagine a pretty blonde woman with a short haircut. She usually smiles at the photos, and you can understand she is a truthful optimist.

She started writing just after graduating from the college. At once, her articles became very popular among women from her native town. At the moment, she has more than 50.000 readers all over the world, she is the well-known author and columnist in the United States. Newspapers and magazines state that her success is due the topics she tries to reveal to public opinion. Her books can be quite helpful in daily life.

Category: Nonfiction (can also be defined as women fiction, essays or memoirs)

The Most Important Characters

There are no characters in general.

In general, all the characters are considerable. Each novel includes personal experiences and life stories. We can define an author’s character, which tells the novels. It`s Celia Rivenbark herself.

Summary of the Story

Nice collection of essays and laugh-out-loud insights into the "new" Southern woman. This book relies too much on cliched stereotypes of both southerners and women, and it tries too hard to be funny. Halfway through, the book switched from a commentary on life in the South to a commentary on parenting and ends with a run-down of pop culture, making it three semi-developed books in one, all of which strain to be snarky and original without succeeding.

Humor columnist Rivenbark takes on the southern lifestyle in this collection of columns. She writes about white trash chic, beauty pageants for children, couple’s baby showers, raising kids, and what southern phrases really mean. There are plenty of snarky, southern style.

What I Liked

The book is very easy to read, it is not boring or tiring. It will perfectly suit if you want to have some rest and simply relax. I also liked the personal style of Celia Rivenbark, she seems to be quite intelligent and witty woman. I was in love with the impression that she reveals some secrets only Southern Americans knew before. It is a totally new world, funny and sad at the same time. That world can be strange for European people, but it has that pleasant charm. These were the jokes that I`ve liked the most. They made me laugh thousands of times.

What I Disliked

This book fails several times to have offensive humor and just goes for a straight up offensive. Some statements seem a little bit exaggerated and sometimes it doesn`t make any sense.

I do recommend this book for everyone, who loves humor and would like to dive into the life of Southern Americans. In general, the book is designed to women audience. Still, men can enjoy it. I wouldn`t recommend it to readers under 16, as they won`t get much of the life stories.

Text Analysis

Young Woman Writing

The stories are told from the point of view of the author, using indirect speech and interior monologue.

Celia Rivenbark uses both direct and indirect characterizations. One of the peculiarities is that there is no climax in the book, as it includes many essays on different topics.

The language of the author is rich but at the same time understandable. She writes with all types of sentences, but usually long and complex. (When it finally came time to select school, I was majorly stressed and it didn`t help that my bangs were in that maddening fall-in-your space stage that looks so terrific on Helen Hunt but made me look like I was working undercover as a dying fern).

Repetitions are omitted (the book is emotional but very funny). Lexical expressive means are used very often and almost everywhere. The most used are epithets (I went home feeling dowdy, I`ve never been classically beautiful, when I was growing up, menopause was pointedly ignored in polite company).

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