Frequently Asked Questions on How Our Custom Writing Service Works

Books, Copybooks and a Microscope

Whatever the discipline is, writing an excellent paper may seem a real academic challenge. It’s very likely to get much more stressful when you imagine just a half of the work you’ll have to do and try to calculate the amount of time you’ll have to spend on it.

Let’s assume, you were assigned with doing some kind of research and commit it to paper during a certain period of time. Probably, you were even given a topic or some particular issue to base on. However, what you understand clearly is that your plans for this weekend, including this Friday night, are going down to drain right before your eyes. Don’t forget about your job and a few other home tasks.

On the other hand, you may put this assignment off for an indefinite period of time. But you know perfectly well what such an idea will result in when the deadline looms.

“I could also search the Net and ask folks if they know how safe it is to buy custom college papers online”, you might think, and a sudden flash of feeble hope illumines your way out of the long and intricate considerations. However, this flash is almost immediately extinguished by the flow of numerous hesitations.

What Concerns over an Online Paper Writing Service May Students Have?

No doubt, the World Wide Web is an ingenious invention that has turned into one of the greatest achievements of the whole mankind, because each of us every day develops it by uploading new materials or creating new web content. At the same time, now we all know how many threats and frauds can hide behind convenience and multifunctionality of the Internet. This is why users’ hesitations and suspicions are absolutely obvious.

Student Writing a Research Paper

When it comes to an online writing service, the reasons why students may prefer to keep away from them are easy to understand. Generally, there can be two main concerns: one of them relates to the quality of the paper you will get, while the other is connected with money and, actually, the very process of payment for your completed assignment.

Besides, as long as each type of papers has its particular standards and requirements, the assigned writers should be aware of them and follow them rigorously.

So let’s see what issues you think you may face in case you plan to buy research papers on any subject or discipline with some online service.

  1. 1.General originality and quality of the paper you will receive: probably, it is the first thing that comes to your mind when you start typing a new search request. By the way, when we speak about a successful paper, we shouldn’t forget that its quality also implies the following features:

    • novelty and significance: the chosen issue should involve some new ideas or suggest some new and, probably, more effective or reasonable approaches to what is already well known; a new evidence can be considered valid and significant provided that it’s stated reasonably and doesn’t contradict yourself;
    • analysis: definitely, no good paper can be written without using the necessary scientific literature and other kinds of research materials; however, all these sources and the opinions the prove should be thoroughly analyzed but not just quoted one by one;
    • structure and proper conclusions: a well-structured paper should be divided into several logical and consequent parts which can coherently lead a reader right to the conclusions with the results set out and summed up properly;
    • style: any academic paper should meet the requirements of academic style of writing; also, it implies the use of rich vocabulary and proper grammar.
  2. 2. Meeting deadlines: no matter how much time you have at your disposal to complete your task and hand it in to your professor promptly. Still you always want to be sure that if you buy custom college papers, they will be delivered to you not later than the time you have set.

  3. 3. Payment system reliability of the writing service and honesty of its workers: certainly, the money issue can’t be left out of your consideration because you don’t see the person you pay to and it isn’t cash that you use; consequently, you want to be sure that your electronic payment will go through and you will get your order with no possibly attendant problems.

  4. 4. Personal data security: you know that any time you purchase something online, you need to provide the following:

    • some basic information about yourself (as a rule, the order system requests for your name and the country you live in);
    • all the necessary data to make the payment;
    • the ways how your deliverer can contact you (usually, your phone number and e-mail are required).

    Of course, safety of all these data is extremely important for you, and your worries can be easily understood, especially if you apply for this kind of online services for the first time.

    The Other Side of the Coin: Advantages of Buying Papers Online

    Two Smiling Students with Laptops

    Anyway, before you make your final decision and give your vote to another paper or to your weekend plans, you feel quite preoccupied with the thought about the assigned piece of writing and what you need at least for the very start of your work on it.

    That is why we’re here to make out what benefits you can get when you buy custom college papers with the decent writing service like ours.

    When you’re crafting it yourself When you have applied for our professional writing assistance
    1. you need to find a proper topic if you weren’t given one. If you were assigned with your personal topic, it may appear to be quite complex. Even if you had an opportunity to choose the topic yourself from the list offered by your professor, still it may be quite challenging to organize the work on it. your writer will pick up a good topic for you depending on your subject or discipline. You will just need to confirm it. Besides, you can always discuss the details together with us because we will provide you with personal account on our website that enables its owner to contact the writer directly.
    2. you need to search for all the necessary paper books and articles or electronic materials, which will create a good base for your paper, help you learn your issue properly and prove your own ideas on it. the assigned writer will find the necessary sources and materials for your paper. It will be also provided with the references meeting all academic standards. In case you have some necessary literature and can share it on-line, you can send it to your writer as well.
    3. you need to have a paper outline and a general plan of your working process. This means that if you want to write a really neat paper, you should prepare a list of aspects or questions concerning the issue you’re going to write on. Also, you should try to set the time or definite sequence for writing each part of your paper. you don’t need to worry about how to organize your work and how to plan your paper in the most effective and right way. This all will be done by the professional, who knows everything about all features of academic writing and will craft an excellent paper, properly managing them all. By the way, you also have an opportunity to look through your writer’s samplers before he or she starts working on your order. However, this option may require some extra charge.
    4. you need to proofread your paper carefully and thoughtfully, correcting the possible spelling, lexical, grammar and punctuation mistakes. your paper will be proofread by your writer personally, and then it will go to one or two editors for additional revision. Nevertheless, if you consider that your paper needs to be revised once again, you can apply for our 10-day free revision option.

    What Is So Special About College Papers?

    Let’s make out some special things featured by college writing assignments, before you make up your mind whether you’re going to buy custom college papers online.

    Gathering of Information

    On the one hand, no paper can be written without necessary materials to base on. This means that everything starts not when you sit down to write the first lines of the introduction or the most essential part of the paper. Everything starts much earlier, when you go to the library or type the first request for the Google in search of some good piece of information concealed within numerous paper and on-line books, scientific magazines, probably, even documentaries or research reports.

    Performing a Study

    On the other hand, work on academic papers involves not only reading and quoting the opinions of famous people. Your task is to interpret and explain them using your own words which should be supported by comparisons or contrasts, parallelisms or contradictions between these various points of view. Finally, you should either accept and prove those of them which you tend to stick to firmly, or reject those ideas which contradict yours and provide strong arguments to reason your position.

    Metaphorically speaking, all these statements are bricks that will help to build a good paper when put in the right order, and mortared with logic and sequence. This is going to be what we call a study of the particular issue, shaped into an academic paper of the specific type.

    Hourglass Structure

    There is an interesting thought that the way an academic paper, especially a research paper, is structured can be compared to an hourglass. You start it with general statements and questions, gradually narrowing to more and more specific theory and methods if needed. Then it begins to widen again by providing and explaining the results of your analysis of the data and facts which you build your paper on. It should end up with clear and unambiguous conclusions, some suggestions or reasonable predictions about the future of the issue which you have written your paper on.

    So now when you plan to buy custom college papers with an online service, you know what you can base on in order to check its quality.

    How to Buy Papers with Us?

    Girl Holding a Moneybox

    You can see clearly how many aspects academic writing involves. So now you can weigh up how much time and how many efforts you need in order to meet the deadlines and standards set for your assignments. If these calculations really worry you, then let’s see how we can help.

    Below you’ll find the list of the most frequently asked questions about the principles of the work of different online writing services and some other additional issues. We have done our best in order to provide you with the clearest answers, so that you could be sure that you buy custom college papers of prime quality.

    Still if you find something confusing, please contact us at any time, and your any inquire will be responded as fully as possible.

    How Can I Order My Paper?

    There is a special order form on our website where you can choose the type of the paper you need, as well as the discipline and topic. Also, you can add some instructions or details about your order.

    Where Can I See the Prices?

    The website has a separate page with our pricing policies where you can find the prices for any kind of services we provide. Besides, when you fill out the order form, our system will calculate the cost of your paper immediately depending on the options you choose.

    Can I Be Sure that My Payment Will Go Through?

    You can easily pay for your order with the PayPal system if you have your personal account. Paying with a credit card is possible as well. Due to our customers’ data security system, nobody, even our workers, can have an access to the information you provide for making your payment.

    Can I Request for Revision?

    Yes, of course. We’ve mentioned the 10-day free revision option above. You can avail yourself of it right after you confirm our delivery. As this term expires, you still have a chance to ask for additional revision, but the option will require some extra charge.

    Is Refund Possible?

    Yes, it is. The percentage of the refund will depend on the situation. Full compensation is also possible. You can find more details about this issue on our “Money Back” page.

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