Pre-College Nerves and Useful Tips to Getting Rid of Them

Packing for College

Just a few more weeks and you will have to leave home behind. No doubt, you must be feeling freaked out now, as it’s the whole new stage of your life! “College” – this word must be bringing you both scaring and exciting emotions at the same time, and even if it feels strange it’s completely normal. There must be so many thoughts running in your head... On one side, you are eager to finally experience it, but on the other side, there are so many unclear things and details that when you start thinking about it, you begin getting scared and confused. That’s a lot of new beginnings are awaiting you ahead – no wonder you’re anxious! We have prepared some tips that may help you to get rid of some of you pre-college fears, check them:

Look at It from the Different Side

Even if you think you are not ready for college, you surely are. Don’t let your fears and insecurities take away the last peaceful summer-before-college days from you. Try to not think about the upcoming changes like they are bad, on the contrary, think that these future 4 years will be the best times in your whole life. It’s okay to be nervous, just believe that you will be fine and keep all the negative thoughts away from your head.

Figure Your Fears Out

Surely, you are feeling overwhelmed with everything that you will have to go through, but, believe it or not, the bigger part of all your pre-college fears doesn’t make much sense. The good technique to sort everything out in your head is to write the things you are scared of and the possible ways to get rid of them. Here is an example:

Fear: I’m afraid I won’t be able to build a good relationship with my roommates.

Solution: I will be super-kind and friendly and will talk everything out right away in order to avoid any misunderstandings. Besides, I have the camping experience; I’m still in touch with all the people who were there with me, I will surely be able to befriend my new roommates and all the other students in the dorm.

Meet Your College Friends Even Being at Home

Even if you don’t have an ability to meet your future classmates in person, you have Facebook! Of course, you are not really ‘meeting’ the people from your college, but it still may help you to feel as a part of your college community. Besides, seeing the other freshmen’s posts, you will come to realize that everybody is as nervous as you are! You will also be able to ask the questions about your school and clarify some things that bother you now.

Learn New Skills

Cooking Student

Keeping yourself busy is one of the best ways to ease the nerves down. And if you do something that will be handy when you are in college, you will become even more satisfied with yourself! You may work on your cooking skills or do some handmade dorm room decorations, for example.

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