Go Back to Studying Easily: Effective Tips. Part 1

Cute Notebooks

Some neural networks are activated in the brain when we have any pleasant experience. They produce several substances, giving us the feeling that motivates us to do something again.

For example, after her busy day at the university Alex likes taking her time eating something in the kitchen. Then she goes to her room, but she does not think about studies. To relax again, she chats with her friends in Facebook and tends to postpone the beginning of her work until later. In reality, spending time like that does not give her any positive emotions. That is the problem we should deal with first.

Essay writing can be a very unpleasant activity, but you should know that there is always a way out of any situation. And we will talk about this.

Why Do You Postpone Studying?

Other students also constantly postpone the moment to start working because they only see the study as something boring, unpleasant, and exhausting. They just do not know how to have an effective result quickly. Their results are not as good as they expect, so they do not feel motivated. Working without a method or organization is our second problem to manage.

Tools to Study Without Suffering

Beautiful Girl Studying

To get to the study with motivation and energy, you need to work on some aspects. Firstly, think about motivation and pleasure: you should manage to find them in each session of studying to avoid procrastination and constant search for pleasure elsewhere. Do you think it is impossible? No, it isn’t if you are creative and you know yourself well.

Secondly, work on organization and the method of your study session: organize your schedule better to increase your concentration level and improve memorization skills. You can work better and more quickly, and it will become less difficult to start. Studying can even give you positive emotions!

Schedule How Much Time You Will Devote to Work

Spend some time every day to make a schedule of the things you can do after classes: plan your regular activities (workouts or others), the time of the meals, time for the road. Understand when you can do your homework by planning to spend half an hour, 1,5 hours, or more, according to the days and assignments requirements.

How Does Organization Help?

Cute Study Schedule

You can simply take back your life. It is you who decide to devote this time to your work. You do not suffer anymore, you act and psychologically change everything! It is considerably less difficult to start studying if you decide freely. Also, the schedule shows you that studying always has its start and its end, and that sometimes you are free to switch to something else: hobbies, sports, books, going out, watching movies, etc. Again, there are a lot of motivating factors for planning your time to do everything you need.

Apply the Plan to Your Life

And now follow your plan by studying at the scheduled time without any excuses. Do not try to do everything at the same time, but enjoy every moment of your life, without thinking about the assignment that has to be done while you are spending your free time. But do not think about relaxation while studying.

Find Your Perfect Time to Study

Girl Sleeping

You should plan your study sessions on the time when your concentration and memorization skills are at their best. It can be effective to study in the late afternoon (from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.). Planning your own personal study session in the afternoon helps to have the evening time to relax, whereas you may have more difficulties with doing the opposite.

Still, there are students that are “early birds”: they may be interested to get up earlier to revise some materials for a class or finish an exercise. For some students it will be comfortable to study after dinner. For that they should eat early to start studying around 7-8 p.m.

Pay attention to the time when you go to sleep, because the lack of sleep can influence your memorization and concentration abilities. The goal is to work as efficiently as possible and within a limited time period.

Start Is the Most Important Part

We know that it is difficult to begin. To stop chatting, watching a film, or texting on a mobile phone, to get to your studies can be a real test of will, especially since there are so many temptations. Try not to begin to do too "addictive" activities before studying because you may have problems with stopping: browsing the Internet, responding to messages, chatting in Facebook, etc.

Experience proves that we tend to spend more time on the activities on screen than we wanted, and this can lead your plan to failure. To prepare yourself for the study session, find small, simple activities: eat some fruits, drink tea or coffee, relax in the bathroom, take some fresh air, go on a bike ride, etc.

It will become the routine that gives you that educational mood. After that find a motive that gives you a desire to start this study session: the challenge (I will get the best grade), affectivity (I am going to prove to my parents that I am smart), curiosity (I like this subject), usefulness (for the job or internship I want to get), etc.

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