Top 3 Study Destinations to Satisfy Every Taste and Budget

"What if you'll get ill there? What will you eat? What if your bank card won't work?" I remember my parents asked me seemingly hundreds of other questions after I had taken an offer and was going to join 4-month language courses in Asia (in China, to me more precise). However, my college supervisor, who helped me with the documents required, didn't look like she cared about all those things. With her help writing my college essay proved to be not only an easy task, but also the one providing a great opportunity to study abroad at least for one third of the year. So, I decided to follow her example and just prepare a neat pack of various official papers that were very necessary for receiving the visa and insurance, and the like.
Of course, I tried to persuade my nearest and dearest as strongly as I could, assuring them that I would be able to survive even though so far away from home. And I did survive! (Otherwise, I just can't imagine who could type this text if not me.) So, I'd like to share some experience with you - who, as I dare to believe, is also determined to study abroad. Besides, I decided to check on the list of the most popular countries among foreign students from all over the world. I selected top three of them that are well-known for the quality and affordability of education as well as the protection of foreign students' interests and rights.
We're going to explore different continents, speak about important and serious things that can literally save your life when you find yourself alone in the place where you know nothing and nobody, and learn to see the bright sides of every challenge that you'll have to face if you choose to study abroad. Here we go!
Why Study Abroad: Know How It Benefits You

The reasons why people of different age from different corners of the world decide to leave their homes and go abroad to study at college or university are obviously very different. However, there's still one definite common feature that appears to be quite typical for people who step out of their comfort zones and become foreign students: in most cases they do it voluntarily, just because they want. They search for opportunities, check the requirements, compare it all with what they have and can do at the moment, and finally, in a month or two they wave goodbye to their families and friends, promising to study well and post photos on Facebook.
Have a look at the following ideas on why it's really worth becoming one of such courageous and enthusiastic guys. Hope, they'll inspire you and make you feel absolutely sure about the choice you're going to make.
- Firstly, you definitely go to the university where the quality of teaching this or that discipline is considered higher. One day you may find yourself thinking: "With this plan's help writing my college essays becomes a much easier task!" This all means, you get the chance to familiarize yourself with a different and more advanced approach to the subject and hence acquire better knowledge or skills, which you need to become a well-qualified specialist in your field.
- Secondly, by default you're provided with an inevitable opportunity either to practice or even to learn the language of the country you choose as your destination, even if the classes are held in your mother tongue. The thing is that once you'll have to leave the campus, probably alone, and walk along the streets of a real town. There you'll have to read signboards and names of bus stops, to say nothing of the need to communicate with the locals, for example at the shops. So, make sure you have an arsenal of the most frequently used phrases which you may need in a simple everyday life situation.
- Thirdly, you'll be able to broaden your horizons and see the world from a very unusual perspective. You'll face new cultures with their strangeness and uniqueness. You'll meet new people and make lots of new friends, learn new habits and lifestyles. It's very likely that you just won't recognize yourself after spending half a year in a different environment. However, these changes will develop and benefit you.
- Last but not least, managing your study schedule and life in a different place requires more discipline, persistence and optimism than you may apply at home. You should remember that you won't avoid difficulties and serious problems. But there is always a light at the end of a tunnel, so you'll simply have to solve the issue your fate has prepared to you. There's no other way out for a foreign student, and you know it. Staying enthusiastic and optimistic will help you prove yourself how strong and smart you really are. You'll gain priceless experience and learn to deal with very different situations successfully.
Probably, now as you are hesitating whether to go abroad or not, you may be reflecting: "With my instructor's help writing my college essay isn't that bad, but what about teachers in that country? How do they treat foreign students? Will I be able to get good grades there?" Well, you'll never know until you try! So, here are three options for you to change your life for ever and for the better!
1. The USA: The Land of Opportunities
This country was built by people who left their homes for different reasons but with one and the same aim - to find a better life. Although it's another question whether they were looking for power and fortune or just for a free piece of land to live peacefully and independently, nowadays the influence and possibilities of the United States can't but amaze and attract. Studying here is definitely for you if you're an easy-going person who wants to achieve much and knows what is needed for this. Oh, yes, and you should have a good source of funding until you start to earn money yourself.
Some Facts and Statistics
Below you will find some numbers and interesting observations concerning the life of a normal international student in the U.S.
- Despite rather high cost of education, about 75% of prospective students from all over the world rank the U.S. as their top choice for study. By the way, according to the statistics provided by the online journal of the Migration Policy Institute, in 2014-2015 the U.S. hosted almost 1 million international students. More than 50% of international students in the U.S. come from Asian countries.
- Probably the most considerable aspects of the new cultural life, a normal international student must get used to is the language and food.
- Your college or university courses will help you develop your speaking skills, as in the U.S. students are expected to share their opinions and ask questions during the class.
- Your professor will have the so-called office hours, so you'll always have an opportunity to consult him or her privately. "It means that with my professors help writing my college essay can become better!" and you're right if you think so. That's a great chance to get real help from a knowledgeable person.
The Most Popular Destinations
According to the statistics by the Times Higher Education online resource, 1 out of 3 students who come from overseas opts for the university or college in New York, California or Texas. The Boston city, known as the heart of the New England and often called "Athens of America", hosts Harvard and MIT. San Francisco is popular among international students for Stanford, but, of course, for many other attractions as well.
The recent data claim that most students who come to the U.S. to study choose their majors either from business or from engineering fields.
2. Germany: Opting for Prime Quality
Everything German is deservedly associated with quality and order. Education isn't an exception. Germany takes the 2nd place after the UK in the list of European countries that offer the biggest number of international scholarship programs. However, comparing to the UK, German education appears to be much more affordable for students from abroad. So, if you don't mind discipline combined with high standards and precision, Germany should be your choice as a study destination!
Some Other Facts and Data
Although such attributes of the country's education sphere as quality and affordability weigh very much, they aren't everything German educational institution can pleasantly surprise you with.
- About 37 German universities were included in the 2015/16 list of the world's top 100 universities. It's quite impressive, isn't it? Among them there are Ludwig Maximillian University in Munich (29th position) and Humboldt University in Berlin (49th position).
- Most students from overseas choose such programs as IT, engineering and business.
- A lot of scholarships are free for international students, with accommodation allowance, study material and research fees, and insurance included. So your study in Germany can become not only beneficial but also comparably economical.
- Most students who took their opportunities to attend classes at one of German institutions comment on their time there very positively. The TopUniversities online resource states that in terms of international students' satisfaction with teaching and learning, Germany receives the score of 8.8 out of 10 points available.
Useful Tips for Your Everyday Life in Germany
I decided to talk about Germany here not only because of impressive statistics. One of my very close friends went there to obtain his Doctoral Degree in IT or something like that. Keeping in touch with him, I've found out a few interesting facts about student's everyday life in this country, so I'd like to share some of them with you.
Firstly, Germans do understand English language, but your knowledge of German language can always stand you in a good stead. So, if your scholarship program includes some preparatory language course, don't skip these classes. Secondly, you should prepare to do lots of paperwork, keeping every document and its copy as neat and clean as possible. Besides, it is advised to check on the German style of formal writing, so that you could stay sure that "with all these guidelines' help writing my college essay for German scholarship is just great".
3. China: All-Inclusive Programmes Plus Exotica
For many centuries, until the country opened its gates to foreigners, the land of China seemed to be just a traveler's fairy tale. However, little do we know about this one of the world's oldest civilizations even today. As a person who came back from there and who dreams of visiting this amazing country once again, I can say that it welcomes those who can wave goodbye to their habits, tastes and stereotypes in order to dive head-first into absolutely different culture and life. If you believe you can do it, then this challenge is for you!
Some Info on Study in China
Here are some useful things you should know about study in China.
- The People Republic of China is a great choice for a student who can't afford very expensive scholarship programs, but who has good health and a thirst for adventure. A lot of universities offer absolutely free programs, covering tuition and study materials fees, living costs and accommodation expenses.
- Study atmosphere is very comfortable if you're a student from abroad. I don't think it's a good idea to compare it with the pressure on Chinese local students. That's a topic for a different discussion. Still, when I was studying at the Chinese college, with my laoshi's (that is teacher's) help writing my college essays and classes in general turned out very effective and interesting.
- It's true that when in China, you won't go very far without at least some basic knowledge of Chinese. That's why some scholarships include language preparatory courses. However, the oldest and greatest universities offer English-taught Master's and Doctoral degree programs.
- The largest centers of education are located in the biggest cities: among them Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chengdu.
Some Other Things You Really Should Know
Whatever you may have heard and read about this country, don't take anything to heart until you go there and see everything with your own eyes (or taste everything with your own tongue). Below there are just a few remarks from me - the international student who survived and liked the survival.
- Your taste buds may be both shocked and delighted by what you'll have to it. However, you'll definitely find your favorite dish, whatever it is.
- Make sure you have all necessary medicine with you. Just believe me, it's better not to buy the local pharmaceuticals if you don't have a Chinese friend who studies medicine.
- The Chinese like taking photos with foreigners, so don't run away from them. They're really very friendly.