Workaholism: Ways to Deal

Working Overtime

In the modern world, it is accepted to work hard and even to take work home. Hard work is appreciated by many employers and considered an essential quality for success. However, on the way to the career Olympus, diligence is often transformed into a kind of dependence on the work. One begins to devote all his or her time to business, staying in the office until late at night, and even spending the night there. From this situation, there is only one way out – to deal with workaholism!

Who Is A Workaholic?

So, you can surely be called a workaholic if in moments of relaxation you experience anxiety and want to return to work. Also, you are a perfectionist, who depends on work and is afraid of losing it. You experience joy and satisfaction only at work. After the end of the day, you cannot switch back and talk only about work. Being such a person you are experiencing anxiety and even anger when you are not working.

Besides, you do not understand the meaning of rest and quickly get bored spending time with friends or relatives. Moreover, you set goals that are hard to achieve and perceive failure close to the heart and may even become depressed. So, if the majority of these statements are about you, then congratulations! You are a workaholic!

Causes of Workaholism


Before you start to understand how to deal with workaholism, let us first identify its causes. In most cases, the overworking takes its origin from childhood. A small child sees the drunk father, suffering from a lack of money, and grows up to seek for ways to improve the family’s well-being. Also, workaholism can be transmitted by a child's parents to the child. They begin to inspire their son or daughter with the thought, that happiness is important only at work. Growing up, people cannot think differently. Finally, workaholics are people who try to run away from their problems, including personal ones.

How to Deal with Workaholism – The Instruction to Fight!

Rule 1: Be aware of the problem. The main and most important rule in the fight against workaholism – the awareness of having problems. A workaholic must realize his dependence on work and understand that we cannot live only in such way.

Rule 2. Learn to say "no"! Very often, workaholics cannot refuse to help their colleagues. That is why learning to say NO to colleagues who allegedly do not have the time or cannot finish the job on time is important. Understand that you have the duties prescribed in the employment contract. You have every right not to comply with the duties of another person. By the way, you are not paid for the job of others.

Rule 3. Care about reputation. As we all know, first, we are working on building our reputation, then the reputation helps us to get through. That is why instead of quietly performing the duties of someone, ask a colleague to go to the authorities and officially pass their responsibilities on you. In this scenario, you deserve the attention of management, and possibly even an increase in salary.

Rule 4. Make a work schedule. Workaholics usually take work home due to the lack of a system. In the future, with the addition of some orders, you can always refer to the current schedule and avoid taking work home.

Just Chill

Learn to relax. To work well - you need a good rest. Remember this rule, and even better – hang it in a prominent place. Try to limit yourself and clear your work schedule. For example, you are working or studying from 9 to 6. Therefore, at 6 pm, turn off your computer and forget about work. Having to deal with workaholism, first, it will be very hard to stop thinking about work. However, try to deal with it, try to relax and get away. In real life, there are plenty of interesting things happening outside of work. Strictly distinguish between work and personal life, and you will see how blind you have been all this time.

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