How to Write an Essay: Useful Advice

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Some people meet this task for the first time at school, some at college or even at work. As experience shows, not everyone imagines what an essay really is. People do not know much about the structure of an essay which is rather important.


An essay usually is a small piece of work characterized by a free composition. The piece should not only express the impression of a certain person but also their thoughts on a certain subject or topic. Nevertheless, it is not meant as an expression of a critical examination of a subject.

The structure of an essay can differ depending on the sense, the purpose or a problem. It could be some analysis of statistic data, evaluation of mass media materials, examination of a task in details or selection and precise analysis of those examples which illustrate a problem.


Your essay should obligatorily have such parts:


It is a gist that provides an explanation of a chosen or given topic. At this stage, it is rather important to formulate a question, an answer for which must be found within the framework of an investigation.

The Main Part/the Body.

It presumes the development of argumentation and analysis and also an explanation of it. You should use only the existing data and reasonable arguments of the problem in question.


In this part, you sum up arguments, repeat the explanation or support the meaning of everything that was written in the main part.

7 Main Rules of a Real Essay


The first rule is a small size. The more words there are, the higher is the possibility that the author of an essay will get distracted from its gist. That is why you should stick to the minimal size of an essay (1-3 pages), despite your wish to observe the question with a variety of aspects.

Writing a Text

Have Your Own Point

A specific subject and subjective interpretation are also important. It is known that the topic of an essay is always concrete. It means that it cannot consist of multiple different aspects. This type of paper reflects and develops only one variant of the reaction, one idea. Thus, an essay is an answer to one specific question.

Freedom of Writing

Another important typical feature of this type of paper is compositional freedom. It does not stand to limits, bounds and formalities. Moreover, it should be constructed against laws of logic. An essay should be completed basing on associations and should be guided by a principle that everything is the other way around.

Create a Contact

An essay should have natural narration. The author should achieve that style of communication with a reader which will allow a reader to trust him or her. The one who wants to compose an ideal essay should have a complete command of the subject and argumentation.

Mind the Paradoxes

The next rule of an essay is a tendency to paradoxes. Thus, it is necessary to surprise a reader. The start point of your argumentation can be a colorful statement or apt remark constructed on paradoxes. It should face those statements or characteristics which seem to be unquestionable. At the same time, they are mutually exclusive.

Shocked Face

Make Sure the Meaning Is Clear

The toughest rule is unity of meaning. The essay should be compositionally free, subjective, but, at the same time, express a specific thought. It means that an essay should consist of concerted thesis and statements, inner harmony of arguments and associations.


It should be life-speech oriented. The language which is used in composing an essay should be maximally perceived as relative and authoritative.

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