Is Writing Down Lectures Good for You?

Handwriting, seriously? You might say “Hello, it is the 21st century!” Almost everyone has a laptop, especially students. Given that technologies and computer industry are rapidly developing and producing companies are in competition, prices on modern, stylish, light, powerful laptops are reasonable. Such a device combines notebooks, textbooks, a calculator, provides you with an access to the Internet and has a lot of other useful functions. So, why not to use only it? Why would students carry notebooks, papers, pens and pencils for writing down lectures instead of one laptop considering typing is faster than handwriting? There are a few reasons.
Better Remember Information
Medical investigations have found out that in the process of writing, a special area, the so-called reticular activation system of the brain, is working. It filters extraneous information. We concentrate better when writing than when typing and make our brain to closely monitor what we write. The difference between a pen and a keyboard is great. While writing each letter we make a lot of different movements, in comparison to typing. It does not matter which letter we type, just press a key. However, if handwriting and typing take too much time, you may lack time for doing all the tasks. In this case, will come in handy.
Enrich Our Language
While writing by hand, we use more complex linguistic turnovers, a wider vocabulary and find proper words easier, as psychologists have noticed. Students who prefer handwriting tend to get higher marks for essays and on exams.
Many well-known writers opt for writing novels and plays by hand. For example, Capote admitted that starting to work on a new novel, he always made notes with a pen and only then reprinted the text on the typewriter. Would Arthur Conan Doyle be such a great writer if he had had a laptop at hand?
It Is Easier to Concentrate
Working with a pen and paper does not deprive us of the temptation to check email or surf the Internet. Our brain does not receive additional stimulation and focuses its resources on a specific task. Only a sheet of paper and our thoughts. On the contrary, computer overloads our sensor system by a flickering screen and a moving cursor. As a result, we get tired much faster and our attention is scattered.
Good for Health
Many psychologists insist on the connection between writing and cognitive abilities of people. They say that writing activates unique neural circuits that stimulate brain activity and are inactive in all other cases. In addition, calligraphy helps fight dyslexia and keeps our brain young.
Benefits for Studies
Writing, as a slower way of collecting information, will force you to find key phrases and write down only essential information. In such a way you will get a well-structured short outline of lectures. Every time you have a question in your head, you know where exactly to find the answer. More likely you will remember the main idea of a lesson straight away. Probably, some important details will stay in your mind too, but your brain will not be overloaded with unnecessary information. Preparation for exams will take less time. You will need just to look through your notes to refresh knowledge that you already have.
Think about your attitude to paper and pens. Having stylish writing accessories, you can be not only a popular student but a smart one, too.