Cool Idioms with “Get” to Write Essays Like a Native Speaker


Idioms are crazy. If you`re studying any foreign language, you`ll instantly support this idea with nodding in agreement. Because if we chop idioms into pieces, they make absolutely no sense at all. What is the first association that floats on the surface of your imagination when you hear a phrase like “donkey`s ears”? Yep, that`s a real idiom, it`s rare and a bit old-fashioned but it`s still applicable in your essay. It means “a really long time”. For example, you may say that you haven`t watched a TV-show in donkey`s years. There are multiple versions of its origins and some linguistic professors even spend their whole life trying to decode a certain idiom.

What`s wrong with the French language? That`s right, absolutely nothing! It`s beautiful, charming, enchanting. Then why on Earth do people use such idiom as “Pardon my French” while swearing? According to linguists, this phrase was born in the 19th century. As you remember from many classic novels of that time, French and English cultures were mixed in various aspects, so many Brits were speaking French because it was a language of the high society. So naturally, bilingual people would throw a word or two of another language while speaking and being polite to the bone, the English would always excuse themselves because they assumed that somebody might not speak French. Well, you can, in fact, find a teeny-tiny correlation between those two acts of politeness (of the 19th and the 21st century) but still, it`s like they come from parallel universes.

Anyway, we`ve prepared a list of idioms that many non-native English speakers will find quite useful because those phrases which in most cases have metaphorical meanings are a weakness of many foreigners. There are dozens of idioms with “get” that you`ll meet in various vocabularies but we`re convinced that an info-training style of learning that we propose will be much more beneficial for you. And while you`re preparing to take a plunge and become a pro at the English language, you might want to address some additional sources that will provide the best homework help online.

Get into the Swing of Something


It has an opposite meaning of having a childish fun, it`s all about getting professional. When you`re starting something, a project, new hobby, or a course or you decide to change your career completely, you need to take your time to adapt to a brand-new atmosphere and conditions. There are some unknown factors that you still have to find out about and you need to learn how to work productively and you`re getting into the swing of something. Every company has its pace of work, so it`s like a swing that you need to adjust to.

Get Around

You may sometimes spot it as “get round”, that`s just the same thing. It has multiple meanings that you`ll have to guess from the context. I believe this is the most complicated thing about idioms when you don`t know for sure what meaning out of 40 variations an author has used. But it`s going to be you who`ll be writing an essay so it may be either about traveling all over the world (I decided to take a gap year to get around), about gossip or rumor that was spread with a speed of light (The news about that cheating scandal are getting around) or when you`re talking about solving a problem (If you need to get around your home assignments, the best option will be addressing a reputable website).

Get Something Across

In the magical world where words and phrases only have initial or direct meanings, you would be getting a pair of jeans across a Mexican border (because that border needs to see at least something legal). But this idiom isn`t that simple and it means that you`re explaining something to somebody in such a way for a person to understand. When you`re writing an essay, there is an idea that you`re trying to get across to the audience. Or when you`re still getting around with English, you may have problems with getting your opinions across.

Get a Foot in the Door

Foot in a door

You`re usually doing this when you`re trying to keep the door open when somebody`s coming in. And logically, you could have guessed the meaning by now. But nope, it has literally nothing to do with logic. Haven`t you figured out a pattern yet? There is no pattern! What did you expect from a language where it could somehow rain cats and dogs? Back to the point! You get a foot in the door when you`re making the first step towards your dream or goal. When you get a foot in the door of a media industry, you may become a TV-presenter, for example.

Get off Cheap

Finally, we have an idiom that carries some sense. It`s not about money, it`s about consequences. When you manage to escape from a potentially dangerous situation with no or little harm, you can say that you got off cheap. You can sometimes see it as “to get off easy” so feel free to use both variants. In case you still have some troubles with idioms (which is absolutely natural because it`s a complicated part of learning a foreign language), you can ask a professional website: “Write my essay,” and your work will look absolutely genuine.

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