Consequences of Xenophobia: Writing on Sociology

People on Street

If you are writing a paper on Sociology, you should keep in mind that there are some peculiarities of the style and content which are not to be ignored in your work. In case you have to write an essay or any other academic paper related to the topic of “Consequences of Xenophobia”, the following recommendations may come in handy!

Global and Local Perspective

Unfortunately, xenophobia is still a very widespread phenomenon, although we live in a “civilized” world. In fact, you may write about either global or local aspects of the problem, or even about both, what depends only on the task given by your teacher. However, if you are free to choose the direction yourself, you may pay attention to the different perspectives, which will allow you to use more arguments and examples. However, you should remember that xenophobia and racism have some differences, even though they have similar features.

Kinds of Consequences

You should understand that there are a few kinds of consequences, such as economic, political, social, cultural and even moral ones. It is possible to refer to religious problems, immigration and violation of civil rights. You may concentrate on one of them (if you consider being the most important for the area you are studying) or a few ones. In case you are still uncertain about the topic to choose, for example, “Economic Consequences of Xenophobia in African Countries” or “Cultural and Social Consequences of Xenophobia in the USA” etc.

Map of the World

Examples and Statistics

All the arguments you are providing in your essay or any other type of paper should be supported by the examples. As xenophobia is a not a rare problem, you may be willing to give some examples from your personal experience. You can do that, in case you are studying this phenomenon in your own city or state, but you’d better avoid it, since sociology requires more scientific data like statistics or official reports. Why not to provide some significant historical examples, such as holocaust? As for statistics, you can use the data provided on the official websites of the international organizations.

Mind the Style

The last but not the least: ASA or APA formatting styles are commonly applied for sociological papers. You should be careful with citations in order for your paper not to be plagiarized. Surely, such topic needs a lot of sources to be used (especially while providing examples), so do not forget to cite them according to the chosen formatting style.

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