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Simple Pleasures to Avoid Stress. Part 1

We know that sometimes studying can be stressful, especially when you have different tests and exams or you do not feel comfortable with some teachers. You can also have some difficulties in relationships with your family or be tired of your student job you decided to take to earn more money. Anyway, we have prepared for you some simple but fun things to try to get positive vibes.
Essay: Remembering Unpleasant Childhood Experiences

If you remember your childhood as a sum of perfectly happy moments, good for you. But if there exists something more than just green grass, bright sun, and your parents’ smiles, and that something is rather difficult to bear, then this article may be of some interest to you. So, what’s your idea of childhood?
Essay: One Common Language for the Whole Humanity: Is It Possible?

If one common language for everybody is the topic you have always found interesting, today we are going to expand your interest and tell you more about the past and present of this widespread idea.
Pass Your Exams Successfully with Effective Techniques. Part 2

What is your plan? Not that one of your parents, but yours. It is essential because depending on your plan, you can establish a strategy. Many failures are caused by the problem of orientation, so it is very important to have a vision of your future life. If you are planning to buy a college paper, read several sections of an important subject or practice in oral answers – do not delay these aspirations.
Pass Your Exams Successfully with Effective Techniques. Part 1

After some great strategies for taking notes during classes and some tips for dealing with stress before exams, we want to give you some tips for preparing for the exams. You should apply useful techniques so you can get good results: it is simpler than you think! A much simpler task is probably to order an essay on